How to keep a clean home with kids

How to keep a clean home with kids

No doubt about it, Americans like their "stuff."We like to accumulate and surround ourselves with material things.The late George Carlin summed it up when he quipped, "A house is just a place to keep your stuff while you go out and get more stuff."The problem is that stuff creates a mess, and most people also like to be neat and organized. Unfortunately, the two concepts do not necessarily align, which is why companies like The Container Store boast close to billion-dollar bottom lines.And when you have kids? Fugehdaboutit. The potential for messiness multiplies tenfold.For those wannabe organized families who would like to declutter (or at least keep the detritus at bay), look no further than the tips below:* Buy bins. These plastic tubs can be a godsend for parents whose kids either refuse to throw (or give) anything away, or who want to try and teach their kids to organize their things at an early age. It keeps the mess to a minimum and makes cleaning simple for both parents and children.* Cue the cubbies. These three-drawer organizers can be stored in the closet, don’t take up much room and allow kids to store odds and ends that might otherwise be everywhere but their bedroom.* Have an in box. A parent of any school-age child knows the amount of paperwork that comes home is obscene and overwhelming. To that end, having one place for all incoming papers is paramount.* Use hangers and hooks. These minimally priced inventions that hang on the backs of doors helps keep towels, scarves, coats and other items off the floor. Similarly, a shoe rack that hangs in the closet can also be a great organization tool for little ones.* Consider a portable spittoon. For smokeless tobacco users, a portable spittoon can mean the difference between a permanent, albeit accidental, stain and keeping a potential mess contained.To that end, companies like FLASR, creators of smokeless tobacco accessory products, can help. FLASR’s portable spittoons are an easy-to-use solution that prevents unwanted spills and leaks that often accompany spit cups and bottles. The FLASR flask, for instance, has an advanced closing mechanism, ensuring that it stays securely closed when not in use, even if curious little hands get a hold of it. In addition, the new 4-ounce FLASR pocket-sized spittoon is desingned to allow users to open and shut it with just one hand, making it an ideal solution for everyday use ok guys! Bye.
